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Government should cancel contract to Venturepharm Asia
2009. 25 July
(weechookeong.wordpress.com) It is an open secret that Grace Chen Oyan Yun Shai is politically well-connected as we can see that many of the companies which were awarded contracts by the Malaysian Tourism Board are directly or indirectly connected to her. (Please read comment by Kang in previous post.)
Such award of contracts to a questionable company like Venturepharm Asia will definitely encourage more brain-drain as professionals see no future in Malaysia. The latest case of such ridiculosity had to do with the conceptualising, designing and construction of the proposed Malaysian pavilion in the shape of a Malaysian Minangkabau roof for the upcoming 2010 Shanghai World Expo.
Such a project of national pride, in the first place, should have been a 100% Malaysian effort. But, no, the project was somehow ‘hijacked’ to a foreign company in China which has absolutely no knowledge of our local Minangkabau culture and history, resulting in a ‘rojak’ design of a pavilion which had incorporated graphic nuances that are more Indonesian rather than Malaysian. This cannot be accepted. To the more knowledgeable people, this will appear to be a gross misrepresentation of our local Minangkabau culture and Malaysia will yet again become a laughing stock of the world!
Whether it had become obvious to many, the facts revealed in my postings regarding this issue clearly showed conflict of interests all over the place especially on the part of Ng Yen Yen.
Up to this date, the Ministry of Tourism has not made public the members of the Tender Committee, which had purportedly made the decision to appoint Venturepharm Asia, which did not take part in the first tender.
What’s most glaring in this ugly episode is the following fact. After the first completed tender was canceled and a second one called for, apparently for the ‘convenience’ of Venturepharm Asia, the company somehow was able to table a tender price that was exactly RM1,000 short of the RM20 million reserved price, resulting in the company being awarded the project. If this did not smell most foul, then I won’t know what would.
In view of the questionable way the tender was finally concluded, the many conflict of interests that had occurred, and, the on-going investigation by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation and the MACC into Venturepharm Asia, the Government has no alternative but to cancel the award and call for a re-tender by another committee with members outside the Ministry of Tourism.
(Comment by Kang:Belwo is the summary of the important points of YB Wee article:
“Venturepharm a so-called pharmaceutical company was awarded with RM5.36 million of TechnoFund. It has no experience in research work. It had to rely on a questionable company XLW Inc, whose manager is Yang Keng Chiang. Yang Keng Chiang is also the managing director of Darley PR, whose chairman is Grace Chen Oyan Yun Shai. Darley PR got all the advertising contracts in China from Malaysia Tourism Board. Daro Worldwide Sdn Bhd got the contract to operate the Tourism Call Centre from Malaysia Tourism Board. Grace Chen Oan yun Shai’s son, Denis Chin Fook Kwon, is the director and shareholder of Daro Worldwide Sdn Bd, which shares the same registered office address with Venturepharm.
Ms Ivy See, the former personal assistant of Datuk Seri Ng Yen Yen when she was the Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism, joined Darley PR as executive director.”
The above facts are very glaring. I hope that Najib and Koh Tsu Koon, the KPI Minister, call up Datuk Seri Ng Yen Yen to explain the above salient points.
What a scam!!! The BN government must stop messing around with the taxpayers’ money.)