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USA PAVILION Store Launches
2009. 15 September
(reuters.com) The USA Pavilion Committee
announced today the launch of its on-line store for clothing and accessories
with the USA Pavilion logo. Launched at www.usapavilion2010store.com , the
store offers dozens of items which can be shipped anyplace around the world.
"With the USA Pavilion store, people can show their support for the USA
Pavilion by wearing a polo shirt or a ball cap," said USA Pavilion President
Nick Winslow.
"And the money the USA Pavilion receives from each sale goes
entirely to support the Pavilion."
The USA National Pavilion is the official representative of the United
States at the 2010 Shanghai Expo (World's Fair). It is managed by Shanghai
Expo 2010, Inc., a non-profit tax-exempt entity responsible for carrying out
the fund-raising, design and construction, and operation of the USA National
Pavilion project on behalf of the government of the United States of America.
For more information: www.usapavilion2010store.com
USA national Pavilion home page: www.usapavilion2010.com
This News Flash is distributed by Ruder Finn Public Relations on behalf of
Shanghai Expo 2010 Inc., a non-profit corporation authorized by the State
Department of the United States of America to conduct the planning, design,
fundraising and operation of the proposed USA National Pavilion at the 2010
Shanghai World Expo.
SOURCE Shanghai Expo 2010 Inc.
Jessica Li or Ms. Page Wang, both of Ruder Finn Public Relations, Shanghai,
+86-21-5383-1188 x620 & x641, lij@RuderFinnAsia.com & wangp@RuderFinnAsia.com,
for Shanghai Expo 2010 Inc.
Source: www.reuters.com