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Project “German Energy Center & College Shanghai”
2009. 29 September
German Global Trade Forum Berlin
Berlin/Shanghai – trem -: Paderborns „German Energy Center & College GmbH“ makes the impossible possible: „The EXPO-extension for more than 3 years for companies incorporated in the project out of the new or efficiency energy sector“. A long prepared and developed cooperative project to assure a sustainable market penetration for German “New Energy Systems” and services. Sponsored – among others - by Berlin based „German Global Trade Forum Berlin“ the developers from Westfalia offer a wide range of services and PR-options around Shanghai`s EXPO in 2010.
Cooperation started in summer when CEO & President Johannes Freise and his team joint the “Business Mission to Beijing, Shenyang and Harbin” of the German Global Trade Forum Berlin within the framework of Germans initiative “Germany and China – Moving Ahead together”. Based on the Forums initiative, Federal State of Brandenburg and Heilongjiang Province signed an agreement on future cooperation with a focus on renewable energy and energy sufficiency. Since than, Brandenburg and sister city of Harbin, Magdeburg, jointly develop business contacts to “Chinese Sibiria” for the whole German industry.
China is without a doubt one of the most important growing markets, especially regarding technologies of energy efficiency and renewable energies. The German federal government focuses its interest on these branches as well, for example through the PPP project with our companies, the German Energy Center and College (GECC) and the Gesellschaft für Projektierungs- und Dienstleistungsmanagement mbH (gpdm).
The EXPO 2010 in Shanghai offers a perfect opportunity for the German Energy Center and College, Shanghai. In contrast to the EXPO pavilions the center will not be demolished, but it will be used for a multitude of diverse initiatives and events over the next years.
The New Energy Pavillion at German Center Shanghai
The “German Energy Center & College GmbH” is going to support German companies active in China within the branches of energy efficient building services and utilization of renewable energies with the construction and use of the GECC sample building in Shanghai, with setting up technology competence centers at universities in China and with a multitude of accompanying initiatives to support your product marketing.
At all locations German environmental technologies will be demonstrated. Using these technologies prospective and working building services, construction and supply engineers, building physicists and architects will be trained with German know-how and products “Made in Germany”. One of the purposes is to encourage, inspire and qualify current and prospective architect and construction managers to increase their use of German technology and German products by imparting extensive knowledge of the products. Education and training is another focus. Developers will draft the necessary curricula together with German companies’ conference centers, building services engineering conference centers and German chambers of crafts. German certificates (e.g. energy designer, energy manager, ...) are going to document the successful participation.
The Center is going to build a two storied building with ambitious architecture and highest requirements for energy, sustainability and indoor environment quality on the German Centre’s terrain. The building itself is going to be a sample solution for innovative solutions regarding the building envelope, heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC), power supply, etc. Initiators ambition is to realize a positive net sum energy building “made in Germany”. Inside the building it is planned to showcase innovative products, components and systems as well as a conference room to offer (vocational) training and skill enhancement support. Participating German and Chinese partners will be encouraged to expand their own operations. The energy-efficient design and building services engineering are being developed by the engineering company EnergyDesign Asia (Dr. D. Schwede) in Shanghai. EnergyDesign Asia’s CEO Prof. Fisch considers using the building as head office in order to increase the use of the extensive and versatile synergies.
Terms of cooperation and incorporation
The projects general conditions for companies interested to join are virtually unique:
-The EXPO 2010 as marketing framework
-The German Centre as the German EXPO pavilion’s partner, as an administrative location for a multitude of companies and as “entertainer” to establish extensive contact to the public
-The German Energy Center & College (GECC) as building and training initiator
-A marketing package (building brochures with presentation of the participating companies, a movie about the building’s design, planning and construction, internet presentations, etc.) developed by the GECC
-The cooperation with Prof. Dr. M. N. Fisch, his network and other relevant institutions
-The option to participate at conferences, forums, seminars, road shows or business meetings of the German Global Trade Forum Berlin in all over China and Asia based on preferential conditions
-To enjoy the services of legal, tax and service providers
The cooperation will consist of supplying products, components, systems, etc. for the building, sponsoring building construction costs and building maintenance costs and the benefits, such as marketing and everything else as mentioned above. There will be an organizational contribution of yearly 5000,-€ (beginning 2009). The cooperation will either last until the termination of the contract or as long as the GECC exists, which bill be at least three years, continuously providing space for trainings, workshops, product presentations, product introductions, etc.
Through the cooperation with the first participating companies “German Energy Center & College GmbH” have established some of the building’s basics:
Styro Stone Building envelope
Baumit Interior and exterior plaster
Uponor Cooling and heating systems for floors, walls and ceilings
Hauch Control engineering
Dimplex Heating and cooling supply with geothermal energy
Techem Measuring technology for hot water, cold water and heat
TÜV Rheinland Trainings / marketing
Warema Sun protection
MCon Customized IT solutions for energy efficient constructions
Trempel & Associates Legal & Tax firm from Berlin, Germany
German Energy Center & College
President & CEO Johannes Freise
Ndlgn: Paderborn, Kassel, DE / Shanghai, CN / Hanoi, VN
Fon +49 (0) 5251 / 77 60 - 43
Fax +49 (0) 5251 / 77 60 - 77
Mobil +49 (0) 172 / 949 93 90
Email jfreise@gpdm.de
Business Mission 2010 to Shanghai
The German Global Trade Forum Berlin will offer various Business Missions to China in 2010 to further promote the project and the cooperation between China and Germany in the energy sector. In April “Windenergy Shanghai 2010 Fair of CWEE” will be the start of the project. Information and contact about “Business Missions to China 2010”: GERMAN GLOBAL TRADE FORUM BERLIN - c/o German Global Trade Forum Berlin, Ltd. - Managementgesellschaft- Director-General: RA Eberhard J. Trempel, Honorary Trade Advisor of Thailand, Spichernstr.15 – D-10777 Berlin, Tel.+49-30-212486-0, Fax. +49-721151307767 – eMail: Berlin@germanglobaltrade.de
The German Global Trade Forum (Berlin) is an international network in Berlin to promote international trade, service, investment and exchange. Beeing a typical "ngo" the Forum acts as the plattform for dialog for private and public institutions in Germany and abroad.
To be successful in building a new business in a foreign culture and economic environment, your company needs partners who are familiar with the markets, people and structures of your destination country. Trustworthy partners are essential for small to medium-sizes companies that frequently do not have the resources to research foreign markets on their own.
The worldwide network of German Global Trade Foum Berlin, in cooperation with the national and international agencies, offers your institution or company efficient and reliable assistance in entering foreign markets.
Building high quality networks is crucial to establishing a successful business abroad. We offer our members access to a comprehensive business network in Germany and abroad. Through systematic networking on site, and up-to-date information, we help your company to be prepared for new and changing condition with other entrepreneurs.
To create a dedicated and effective forum for the development of International- German trade relations* To provide information of practical relevance for commencement and implementation of business activities world wide* To offer a platform for business relations and cooperation, including networking opportunities* To represent the interests of German or international industry when dealing with the German government or Ministries abroad.
Regular events allow our members to get in contact with each other and gain access to the international business community. Aside from the formal annual Forum Dinner with prominent political and economic speakers, the Forum also organizes popular informal events like the “German Business & Technology Forum”.
The Forum pools its members opinions and concern and to present a united voice to Foreign and German government authorities. Within the scope of delegations, politicians are interested in a dialogue with europea enterprises on site and continually ask the Forum for support.
All our members receive one copy of the “Membership Directory”, our bi-monthly economic magazine “Business Forum” and our bi-monthly Forum magazine “German Global Trade News”.
In cooperation with the Foreign Ministries of Economic and Trade, Chambers of Industry and Commerce a.others the Forum provides its members with many services for special situations. Office openings, contact conclusion, personal recruitment, organization of delegation trips and fairs, translation services, and visa matters are all areas where the Delegation offers assistance. Additionally, members can use our website for job offers and advertisement. Members receive discount prices up 50% on most services!
Community Events
We provide the International Community with a platform to interact and get in contact with each other.
The German Global Trade Forum is a strong community with strong partners and very effective contacts. Our partners and members provide special offers to our members.
Information for companies Germany
The Forum is actively involved in organizing events in Germany, and provides systematic and practice- relevant information on the opportunities and risks of doing business in all jurisdictions abroad.
German Global Trade Forum Berlin
Referat Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Department P & R
Spichernstr. 15
10777 Berlin
Tel. 030-212486-0
Fax. 030-2185432
email: Berlin@germanglobaltrade.de